
International Energy Agency: The market of heat pumps is ready to take off, and the sales volume of EU will increase 2.5 times in 2030


The International Energy Agency (IEA) pointed out in a report released on Wednesday that the global energy crisis has accelerated the energy transformation, and efficient, energy-saving and low-carbon heat pumps have also become a new choice. It is expected that the global sales of heat pumps will soar to a record level in the next few years.


In the special report “The Future of Heat Pumps”, IEA made a global comprehensive outlook on heat pumps. Heat pump technology is a new energy technology that has attracted much attention all over the world in recent years. Specifically, heat pump is a device that can obtain low-grade heat energy from natural air, water or soil, and provide high-quality heat energy that can be used by people through power work.


IEA said that heat pump is an efficient and climate friendly solution. Most buildings in the world can use heat pump for heating, which can help consumers save money and reduce the dependence of countries on fossil fuels.


The heat pump market has experienced strong growth in recent years due to lower costs and strong incentives. In 2021, the global heat pump sales volume increased by nearly 15% year on year, including the EU sales volume increased by about 35%.


In order to cope with the global energy crisis, the sales of heat pumps in 2022 are expected to reach a record level, especially in Europe. In the first half of 2022, the sales of some countries have more than doubled compared with the same period last year.


IEA believes that if governments successfully promote their emission reduction and energy security goals, by 2030, the annual sales of EU heat pumps may soar from 2 million units in 2021 to 7 million units, equivalent to a 2.5 times increase.


IEA Director Birol said that heat pump is an indispensable part of emission reduction and development, and also a solution for the EU to solve the current energy crisis.


Birol added that heat pump technology has been repeatedly tested and tested, and can work even in the coldest climate conditions. Policymakers should fully support this technology. Heat pumps will play a key role in ensuring household heating, protecting vulnerable households and enterprises from high prices, and achieving climate goals.


According to IEA data, according to the current energy price, the energy cost saved by European and American families switching to heat pumps every year ranges from $300 to $900.


However, the cost of purchasing and installing heat pumps may be two to four times that of gas-fired boilers, which requires the government to provide necessary support. At present, more than 30 countries have implemented financial incentives for heat pumps.


IEA estimates that by 2030, heat pumps may reduce the global carbon dioxide emissions by at least 500 million tons, which is equivalent to the current annual carbon dioxide emissions of all European cars. In addition, heat pumps can also meet some of the needs of industrial sectors, especially in the paper, food and chemical industries.


Birol praised that all the conditions for the take-off of the heat pump market have been ready, which reminds us of the development track of photovoltaic and electric vehicle technologies. Heat pumps have solved the most pressing concerns of many policymakers in terms of energy affordability, supply security and climate crisis, and will play a huge economic and environmental potential in the future.

Post time: Jan-06-2023