
Can it Power OSB Heat Pump With Solar Panels?

People pay more and more attention about green and energy saving product nowadays.
We got a couple of inquire from difference client asked
Can your heat pump been powered by solar panels?
Is it possible for your heat pump to use power from solar panes?

The question is sure, it can be power our OSB heat pump with solar panels.

As you may know, the combination of a solar panel system and a heat pump not only can provide heating for your home but also low down your energy bills.
The solar panel system can work with an air-source heat pump, or it is also with a ground source heat pump. When one system is at its lowest efficiency yield, the other one is at its peak and vice versa. These two systems provide the best level of flexibility in terms of cooling and heating.
. A solar panel system will produce the most energy and work best during the summer seasons and the day, while a heat pump may be most needed during the colder seasons and not always during the day.
One will provide direct heating while the other will generate electricity which can be used any way you seem fit.
Well, if it is ok power OSB heat pump with solar panels, then how many solar panels are requested?
That’s a very good question and always be asked as well.

Check and find out how much power for heat pump will be used from the electrical grid.
The amount of electricity a solar panel is expected to generate.
Then calculated how many pics of solar panel could be need.

The biggest, and only, downside to combining a solar panel system and a heat pump together is the price. Yes, the high installation costs are usually what will deter many homeowners. Often the high initial costs will make the potential pay off not really worth it.
In many cases, the best return on investment may be achieved by better insulating your home rather than modifying or upgrading your heating pump and solar system.
Contact us right now for further info how to combine our OSB heat pumps with the solar panels.

Can it Power OSB Heat Pump With Solar Panels?

Post time: Mar-16-2022